Saturday, September 5, 2009

Painting Guide for Xyston Spartans - Commentary

The table below shows my particular formula for painting Xyston Spartans. First off let me say that I love the detail of the Xyston minis. I will gladly pay the extra money for them. I would much rather have a mini that looks good close up than one that only looks good from 3 feet away.

How to use the table. The table is arranged in steps. The steps are the actual order that I paint in.

1. Prep, prime and glue all the minis to nails (see previous post).
2. Paint all of the base steps first.
3. Do a good looking over of the minis and clean up any areas that may have gotten messed up while paiting the base steps.
4. Once all of the base steps are complete add the highlighting. Since highlighting rarely touches areas that border on other colors I find that doing the highlighting last keeps me from having to clean up base and highlight colors if I make a mistake.
5. After letting the minis dry thoroughly give them a wash using the formula at the bottom. I cannot take credit for this method. I found it in a Flames of War painting article on their forum. If I can find the link I will post it. (The article is how to paint a large volume of tanks if that helps for anyone wanting to search for it.)

How to read each cell in the grid. For the most part it is a single color for the specific mini part. In some cases, such as the instruments, I used a couple different colors for the various pieces. I gave two variations based on Internet and Osprey book research I did (I would love to hear of other variations if anyone has any). Some of the cells list two colors with numbers in parenthesis. The numbers are a percentage. For example, Bestial Brown/White (80/20) is mix of 80% Bestial Brown and 20% White. These are only approximations so please use caution and experiment to find out what you like best. Personally when I do my highlighting I prefer a more subtle contrast between colors that looks more natural than the other styles which use very high contrast colors. That is my personal preference. NOTE: All paints listed are Games Workshop unless specifically noted.

Once the painting is done it is on to basing and varnishing. I'll get into that in another post.

Since I have just started another batch of Spartans I will post some photos as I progress through the steps.

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